Muruguma mission

God operates with seasons while we humans operate with time. Each season is marked with its assignment for His chosen people for His glory. Once one is baptized and receive the Holy Spirit, the process of transformation begins. God molds you into an object of His desire through a process of making. Once complete then you are ready to do His will, His good, perfect and pleasing will (Romans 12:2). How beautiful! This will is done through seasons where each season comes with its own assignment.
            All the assignments must be in line with the great commission given to us by our savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19, that we should go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything He taught us. This is the whole duty of a mature church.
            As MUBET (Mid-Eastern Brethren Evangelistic Team) and CRC, from Moi University Christian Union-Eldoret, had to adhere to the voice of the Holy Spirit to reach out to the people of Muruguma village in Kiirua, Meru County. It was quite axiomatic that healing, deliverance and restoration was going to take place in the land. This meant troubling the devil a great deal. He had to come up with schemes to prevent this from happening but to no fruits. He began by making sure we don’t get a church to host us. One church would agree to host us but after some weeks they would change their minds on very minute reasons, like not having food for the missioners.
            Three churches agreed and disagreed to host us, but at long last, with only a week remaining to the mission, the first church agreed to host us for the second time; Bethsaida EAPC  Muruguma, but under one condition, we provide for ourselves with everything; food and labour. Now the elephant in the room to tackle was to get the money for the supplies. Since our heavenly Father provides for our needs according to His glorious riches in heaven, (Philippians 4:19), He provided money within 1 week. He is not a man to lie (Numbers 23:19)
            Since we don’t wage war against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, we had to take up the whole amour of God. Prayers and fasting was the only way to this.
            On Sunday 28th of august 2016 at 3: am, 40 missioners from Moi University set off to a mission in Muruguma, Kiirua Meru County. The journey was marked with a challenge luggage since most of us were leaving the university for their long holidays but had to be in the mission ground. This made the two vehicles packed, one had to have a bag on his lap or on his shoulder! The vehicles were so packed that no one could get out at any point along the way for the whole journey.
            We encouraged ourselves in the LORD. After 6hours we were finally at Kiirua market. Immediately we left the tarmac, we were welcomed by dust that seemingly was waiting for us. This reflected in our minds what was awaiting us ahead. However, it could not daunt us as the determination to witness was indispensable. After a 20 min drive, we were finally at Bethsaida EAPC church Muruguma. What a long ‘comfortable’ journey. Glory to God we arrived safely.
We were highly welcomed by the pastor and the whole fraternity. After the service we rested to gather energy for the great week ahead of us starting on Monday. Apart from dust in the area, the temperature in the area were so law that bathing was a big challenge to most of us especially brothers. This led to formation of a SACCO dubbed ‘Hatuogi SACCO’.
            Monday came. The program was rolled. The first session was the door-to-door evangelism. After being grouped into groups of two’s, the missioners were commissioned and sent to the people of Muruguma to deliver good news at their doorsteps. By 12:30, all groups had returned. The reports given indicated that many were ready and thirsty for the gospel. Many had given their lives to Jesus.
            Nevertheless, one thing stood out, Muruguma people were so hardworking and busy that the missioners would meet two to three consecutive homesteads without inhabitants. This, as we realized later, was a scheme of the devil for them not to have time to receive the incorruptible seed. After lunch, the crusade was the next task ahead. The spiritual atmosphere was hard to break but through prayers the heavens had to open.
            The first revival meeting was held in the church that evening. Gabriel Muthuri climaxed with a word of God message being walking with God. The next day, 30th of august 2016, was as cold as the day before, maybe even worse. It marked the second day in the mission ground. Everything took place as planned in the program; door-to-door, crusade in the evening and revival meeting later. Peter Kimani ministered the word of God that evening, topic being Liberty. Liberation from the bondage of sin, known and unknown struggles was the message.
            31st of august 2016 marked the third day in the mission ground. Deliverance, healing and restoration was evident as presented in door-to-door reports. After the crusade at the market, we attended the revival meeting. Joy Mworia ministered the word of God on the weight of sin. On this day, most of us got exhausted. All the strength we had had been drown out on evangelism and door-to-doors. The enemy seemed to be getting over most missioners. We got so weak that watching (overnight prayers) was getting heavy on most of us. The following day we took a rest from the door-to-door to recollect ourselves. Since God’s plan is not our plan and our ways are not His ways, He sent His servant, Pastor Alfayo Maiyo from Eldoret, to our rescue. On this fourth day, we were rededicated, anointed, and edified. The mission took a new turn.
                                          New Strength
The 2nd of September 2016 marked the fifth day in the mission ground. We were back to our feet and the enemy knew it since we had received a major back-up. The man of God anointed us and the church for breakthrough in prayer. The door-to-door reports were different this time as most groups came back with testimonies.
In the evening, we proceeded to the market for the open air crusade. Pastor Alfayo ministered the word on healing the land. The land of Meru was sick due to defilements of human sexual immorality. We all interceded for the land. The man of God poured salt, water and the anointing oil on the ground and prayed for healing. Immediately there was a move of the Holy Spirit and many got healed. The land was healed in Jesus name. (2chronicles 7:14)
             Three demon possessed girls set free
The revival meeting was powerful that night. The servant of God ministered on the seven alters of Balaam. (Numbers 23:1). As the servant of God led prayers, half of the church had gone to alter for the man of God to lay hands on them. There was screams all over the church. Many fell on ground crying and shouting in tongues. The glory of God was moving in a great way. On ground lay three girls approximately 9-12 years, half dead! As the man of God was praying for them, they began to shout yuyu! Yuyu! Yuuuyu!  In Kimeru meaning grandmother! Grandmother! Grandmother!! Their grandparents had practiced witchcraft on them and offered them to the devil! 

sister joy (in red coat) with the three delivered girls

We interceded for them for deliverance. These girls were so strong that holding them for a man of God to pray for them became so hard. One girl could not be held by five men! They were so strong. The pastor called off the meeting and we were left to intercede for the girls. As we prayed for them, they would gesture Illuminati signs with their fingers. It took the missioners three hours of intercession and finally they were delivered in Jesus name. All authority in heaven, earth and hell to cast out demons, heal the sick and raise the dead has been given to us. Amen!
The followed day was on 3rd of September 2016, marking the sixth day in the mission ground. We engaged in discipleship in the morning hours, where we went praying for the sick, encouraging the new converts and teaching them on how to walk with Christ and what to expect on this salvation journey. In the afternoon hours we went to the market for the open-air crusade as usual. Many were getting healed. Later that evening we gathered in the church for the revival meeting. Pastor Alfayo closed the meeting with a word of God on divine exchange. He challenged us to take a step of faith or else we remain with the same condition.
The followed day was on Sunday, the 7th day and our last day in the mission ground. Some of the missioners were sent in two’s to preach in the nearest churches. The service at Bethsaida E.A.P.C was coordinated by the Moi University missioners. Pastor Alfayo ministered on 7 prohibited areas that if you touch them, God Himself deals with you. They include; the anointed ones of God, glory of God, Holy and consecrated things like offerings and tithe, never judge, never revenge, and touching man or woman sexually before marriage.
We conducted the last open-air crusade in Muruguma market. The field was packed with expectant souls. Our hope was that God would fill them with His Holy Spirit and minister to them according to their spiritual needs.  After resting the whole night, Monday was our day to go home and see our beloved families. Bye Muruguma! Back to our big heavy bags…
I thank God for this mission. We as missioners experienced tremendous growth as we did the will of God. In John 7:14 Jesus said that if we want to know the Father we must do His will, His good, perfect and pleasing will. In other words, Jesus wanted us to be obedient to the Father by going where His Holy Spirit leads. Apart from knowing Him, one also grows spiritually. His grace is sufficient and new every morning, His peace surpasses all human understanding and His Glory is magnificent. Just allow Him use you. It’s never in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).

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