Fake friendship: the human façade

When you are on top of your game you attract many to your side, with the majority masquerading as real friends but in reality they are wolves in disguise, just concerned with their personal agenda. 

But on the other side, when the script is flipped and the rains start beating you, the glory begins to wane and you realize there is no one on your side.
That is when you realize that you shut the good real friends away due to a façade from the fake friends around you.

 It is the time the reality hits you that that guy who was always nagging by stopping you from ‘enjoying’ yourself meant the best for you.
People come into our lives for various reasons, and majority of these reasons is for you to help them in a way or two. As soon as they get what they want they will leave, not because they hate you but because they have achieved their personal goal. 

The mistake many make is assuming that these friends will stand with us no matter what, mistaking them for real friends. 

The worst bit in this phenomenon is the fact that these new ‘real friends’ hoodwink their clients and block them from paying attention to the real people around them, making them to live a lie. This leaves the real friends with no option but to take a French leave. 

In most cases these ‘friends’ go overboard by promising heaven in hell and most people take the sugarcoated bait without noticing that they (fake friends) are advancing their personal agenda. Wait until they achieve it! 

Once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you.
But how can one tell whether friends are real or fake? Here are some distinguishing signatures that may help unmask people, so that you help those who need your help with no strings attached. 

First and foremost, fake friends will ‘yes, yes’ everything you suggest. These are the kinds that will snigger at every joke you crack, no matter how lame or dry it is. They will not question any action you take but will promise you support, even though you are so wrong. 

They will not help open your eyes to possible ramifications of your actions or decisions. 

On the other hand, real people will be real enough to stop you when they perceive danger ahead. They will help you make an informed decision concerning everything.

 A real friend will by no means pamper your ego!  
Secondly, fake friends sprout out of nowhere immediately one has gained a mileage in some area of life, but real friends are those who have been with you from the beginning. These, in most case, are people who have shared with you the little they had with you, most probably when you could not afford a meal. Lift them up with you. 

Fake friends put fore a kind of generosity that gives you a place to pop a question. Generosity is not bad but always examine the motives behind it, and especially when it comes from someone who steps into your life immediately after getting a public spectacle.  Real friends are generous from the beginning, as I alluded earlier.  

Fake people will leave you immediately you get off the limelight. This is a late discovery of fake friends but since it has happened to many celebrities, it is good to learn from them as early as possible and start paying attention to real friends. It is also important to keep yourself abreast that the cloud of friends around you are there for a reason but only a few are real friends. The earlier you identify them the better. 

Pause and browse about people like Conjestina Acheng’ the boxer, Tanzanian singer Mr Nice, former captain of the national cricket team, Maurice Odumbe, the former Vitimbi actor, Benson Wanjau, alias Mzee Ojuang’ Hatari and the celebrated artiste, Achieng’ Abura, who after basking in their glory and garnering themselves a humongous number of fans and ‘friends’, cannot trace even two real friends out of the number to stand with them amidst storms of life like illnesses.   

As a saying goes, age and experience is the cure for youth and stupidity. I have lived enough to know that this is a nature of humans, but how you deal with it as an individual is what matters anyway. The only way to deal with it is to carefully examine the motives behind every good deal offered and those addictive smiles. In addition, being careful enough not to fall for their deception and robbing you off time with people who really matter is of equal importance. 

Let’s face it. People will always want to be associated with people who can help them, or rather be of use to them. No one wants to be part of nothing!

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