Listening to the inner man

The Holy Spirit is the part of human being that resonates with God. He plays various roles in human beings including guidance and teaching roles among others. 
Man is made up of 3 beings, the spirit, the soul and the body. The spirit is the core, taking the inner part of the human being (can either be the Spirit of God or of the devil), soul is our being and makes us. It contains thoughts, feelings and emotions. The body is the flesh, the outer part of the man. It houses the two, and that is how the Creator fashioned human being.

Since the body and the soul of human being cannot exist without a spirit, it has to house a Spirit of God or of the devil. One cannot house the two spirits. 

The spirit is also called the inner man. It is also important to note that before one has accepted Jesus Christ as saviour of his or her life, the spirit of the devil takes the role of the inner man. It is after salvation that the Holy Spirit of God descends on one and replaces the evil spirit.

The Holy Spirit plays various roles in our lives some of which includes teaching roles, praying, giving us revelations of God, worshiping God and Jesus in truth and Spirit, (see John 4:24)  among many other roles. He is the only part of us that resonates with God.

Next to the spirit is the soul. It is the essence of a person that consists of thoughts and personality. Soul consists of feelings, emotions and thoughts. It is the “me” part of a human being.
After the soul is the body. This is the blood and flesh that houses the soul and the spirit. It is the biggest enemy of the spirit. The Bible records that they are always in conflict with each other (Galatians 5:16-17). It can easily be manipulated by the devil. It is always lazy and loves pleasures. Its lusts include adultery, fornication, uncleanness, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, and outbursts of wrath, contentious, jealousies, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries and the like. (Galatians 5:19-21). The Bible also records that nothing good dwells in the flesh. (Romans 7:17) 

The body is sinful because it descends from Adam who sinned and through him, sin entered the world. Bearing this in mind, before one is saved, he or she has or bears the spirit of the devil which controls both the soul and the body.

Now, since the Spirit of God is in the world, he will always speak to you and give positive instructions even if one is not saved. The Bible records that He convicts the world of sin. People are bound to ignore this voice very easily due the evil spirit who convicts otherwise.

This explains why a person who doesn’t know or fear God will crave for godly music, does good things like helping the poor or people in need and can differentiate what is good and evil.

It also explains the reason why some thieves sometimes pray before committing crimes. This inner man also warns us when about to fall in danger or temptation. Whenever we make a negative decision, he warns us against it and tells us of the ramifications. He will always counter the body

It’s the voice that tells you “do not steal this item” or “this is not right. Please stop it right now!” This is the voice of God speaking in you. It will wake you at midnight to pray. It reminds you of church, fellowships and godly programs on TV or on Radio. It’s the voice that reminds you that you are not righteous. This explains why gospel songs are played in the least expected places like in clubs.   

Sadly, many choose to ignore Him. Some find it hard to ignore him and look for a way round the mountain to silence him. This, some do by making sure they are under influence of substance like alcohol and bhang to carry out obnoxious activities like murder. The more one ignores Him the weaker the voice becomes. This makes a person worse. 

The evil spirit now incites one into evil actions and becomes his/her impetus. The individual can easily besmirch the name of Jesus since the fear of God is not in him or her. The altruistic virtue is long gone, leaving one desperately amoral

As the Bible records in James 1:15, when our bodily desires conceive, they give birth to sin, and sin, when fully grown, brings forth death. If the individual continues growing in sin he/she die. As obvious, one should be cognizant that death at this point means eternal condemnation in eternal fires. Howbeit, there is hope in Jesus. He died so that we don’t die. 

On the other hand, one can choose to listen to the inner man obeying what he says. As stated in the Bible, the Holy Spirit is given to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32 NKJV). This shows clearly that if you obey that inner voice, one day he will guide you to encounter your creator. By that you receive Jesus as a personal saviour. He washes all sins by His blood and then gives you the Holy Spirit. This helper, as Jesus called Him, helps us say no to all ungodliness and worldliness. 

Holy-Spirit-led-life  is a full of light life.
It’s then and only that we say one is saved from eternal condemnation. The good news is that no one is beyond redemption as long as we are living on this earth. The bad news is that no one knows the time of his or her death or the second coming of Jesus Christ. No one has the luxury of time.  
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  1. amen. This is powerful. The Spirit lead life is life full of light. keep the fire ablaze. looking forward for more
