To be or not to be, colonized?

Modern day South Africa's Johannesburg megalopolis city

This is the question we must ask ourselves. With majority of us agreeing unanimously that Colonization was oppressive and an inhuman act by the Europeans to Africans, millennials hold a different view contrary to our popular opinion above. I was randomly interviewing some of them about their perspective on the same and the responses were shocking. 
A number preferred the oppressive European colonization as opposed to the current neo-colonialism where you are colonized by a fellow ‘colour-mate’. One of them cited South Africa as a major example of where Kenya and other African nations would have been economically and in terms of infrastructural advancement as opposed to the status quo, that is if the Europeans were allowed a chance of their lifetime to continue whooping our backs mercilessly. 
Some of cultural practices that were considered prestigious nowadays have lost their taste due to modernization.
The movie, Blackpanther, that has been the talk of the week, is a clear projection of the perspective on whether colonization was a good thing or a bad thing, or whether it was necessary at all. This is because the movie is all about the Black’s supremacy which is richly grounded on the African cultural norms and ornaments. The movie features a community dubbed Wakanda who were never colonized and how they pride themselves in their cultural practices. 
While some felt it was a noble way of acknowledging Africans and giving them something they can easily identify with, a clique of them, millennials of course felt that it was an insult since the movie does not reflect a colonized modern day Africa, with enormous skyscrapers and flashy shopping malls.   

The differences above serve us with the question on whether colonization was appropriate or inappropriate considering the upshots projected. It also leaves one confused on how Africa can be best described.
After colonization, Africa lost its identity; the rich cultural heritage was swept away as we readily adopted the European way of life, with the recent westernization. 
However, a colonized modern day Africa is making strides towards gender equity and equality. It is soaring towards a 24 hour economy. It is striving forward to sustainable development with access to information bridging the digital divide. A modern day Africa is pressing forward towards democracy and governance, though a long way to go. 
All this to the detriment of the rich cultural heritage and diversity. And this is the Africa the millennials will blissfully identify with any time of the day.
Nevertheless, a look at the uncolonized Africa dictates otherwise; rich cultural heritage but unfair gender representation, fertile soils but small scale farming with poor farming methods, united but unorganized. 
Baganda community at war in pre-colonial epoch. civil wars were majorly fulled by political ambitions by religious sects and foreigners
Should Africans thank the Europeans for their pro bono generosity or should they continue decrying them for the oppression? This, in my stance should be answered at a personal level for better results.
What really defines Africa or rather which Africa do we identify with? The old or the new? 

Bottom-line, it is that time Africans adopted an African dream. It is not just fair enough to throw their cultural heritage to the dogs citing modernization. I strongly believe we can do with both on our plates. I mean, picture a Maasai in his magnificent traditional regalia landing an A330neo Airbus at the Heathrow Airport. 

Viva Africa!
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  1. I agree... We should adopt an African dream! Even though colonization brought both pros and cons... It high time we concentrate on the pros!! Wonderful piece.

  2. Brilliant masterpiece!Bravo Jesse!

  3. Woaa.. Still thinking. Ooh mama Africa. One day she will rise again beyond the skyscrapers and we will dance and be happy for it. Nice work bro.

  4. To be! I guess it was the best thing that happened to Africa. we should be thankful to the Europeans.
